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Reminders for people who take things personally: Therapist shares tips


We often feel things too deep. People who overthink a lot, are also the ones who feel more than others. While in some cases this is a boon, sometimes it can end up hurting them for even the smallest of actions from others. Often, we love and over love people – while this is a personal process, this also makes us vulnerable and dependent on the actions and words of others. This is what further leads to us getting hurt. Overthinking creeps in with situations and we are often not able to get out of the cobweb of our own thoughts. However, with a little bit of help, situations can be made better and easier to handle, when we learn to train our minds to judge if the problem lies with others, or in the way we think. This will further help us to control our thoughts and stop ourselves from overthinking and making a situation larger in the head, than it is in reality.

ALSO READ: Things to do for self-validation: Therapist shares tips

Addressing this, Psychologist Nicole Lepera shared a few reminders for people who take everything personally:

Behavior: Often the behavior of others affects us to the point that we start to judge ourselves thinking that the problem lies in us. But more often than not, how a person behaves is a reflection of their internal world, and not necessarily has anything to do with us.

Disappointment: One of the nightmares of people who overthink and take things personally is to be a disappointment to others. This further makes us judge our existence and causes pain. But with time, we need to learn to accept that in an adult world, disappointments are natural, and no matter how much we try, we cannot avoid it.

Compatibility: In any kind of relationship, when we figure out that we are not compatible with each other, we often think that we are not worthy. In reality, it is because we are compatible with someone else, and there is no reason to think that we are not good enough.

Pleasing people: It is humanely impossible to please everyone and keep everyone happy at all times. When we fail to do so, it is only natural, and we need to learn to let go.

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