Is it your birthday between 16 to 31 December? Check how the year will shape up | Astrology

Birth Date Astrology for people born on December 16:

Dominated by number 7 and the planet Neptune, you are responsible, affectionate, creative, simple and highly emotional person. This year try to stay away from business partnerships or any new joint ventures. Partnerships will be very alluring but definitely not recommended for the first six months. New romance will develop through social activities. Relationship with your spouse will be healthy and highly cordial. You need to be extra cautious before making any financial commitments or signing new contracts. Benefits in cash and kind will accrue later in the year. The months of March, July and October will be significant.

Influenced by number 8 and the planet Saturn. You are active, authoritative,

systematic, sober and methodical person. This year you would start a brand new phase in your career, which might not be very creative but promises to bring good financial rewards. Your spouse will be quite cooperative and shower her full love and affection upon you despite your erratic behavior at times. Long lasting contacts would build through social get-togethers and traveling. The months of February, Dec and November will prove to be highly significant.

Dec 18:

Ruled by number 9 and the planet Mars. You are energetic, dashing, courageous, enthusiastic and brilliant individual. This coming year sees new ventures and plans materializing to your benefit. You would enter new partnerships and your income would be from more than one source. Support from your partners and colleagues, would boost your morale and confidence. Your spouse especially would be a major source of emotional support. A distant journey later in the year cannot be ruled out. Family members would be understanding to your concern and extremely helpful. The months of March, July and September will prove to be highly eventful.

Dec 19:

Dominated by number 1 and the Sun. You are smart, creative, intelligent, sensitive, and highly dignified person. Wedding bells for some in the last quarter of the year while others would find romance to keep them in the right spirit and good mood. Home front would be peaceful with family members extending all possible help and cooperation. Growth opportunities would arise from new contacts you develop. The months of March, October and December will prove to be important and eventful.

Dec 20:

Governed by number 2 and the Moon. You are imaginative, honest, sensitive, emotional and creative person. Past investments would fetch handsome returns and long pending judicial disputes would settle in your favour. Journeys that you undertake and foreign transactions that you do are likely to yield good returns. Stress and tension might lead to some minor health problems. The latter half of the year sees you get closer to an influential person who would make a remarkable difference on your thinking and personality. The months of February, May, October and December would be eventful.

Dec 21:

Ruled by number 3 and the planet Jupiter. You are energetic, ambitious, dignified, and kindhearted person. This year new contacts and alliances would take shape. You would be in a strong position and your talents would open better opportunities for you. The both of you would travel to distant places and spend many pleasurable moments together. Health of a sibling in the family might require frequent medical attention. Your income would improve and you would make some good investments during this period. Your spouse would be your major support. The months of February, Dec, September and December will be significant.

Dec 22:

Influenced by number 4 and the planet Uranus. You are active, practical, enthusiastic, courageous and highly philosophical person. You are very proud of your traditions, culture and rituals. This year your confidence is going to receive a major boost, primarily due to the support that you receive from family members and friends. Promotions and transfers for some are certain later in the year. Health of your parents could cause stress and anxiety. Avoid financial dealing with friends and relatives to avoid complications later. Travel overseas for business and new ventures seems high. The months of January, April, August and November will prove to be eventful.

Dec 23:

Governed by number 5 and the planet Mercury. You are intelligent, sharp, sensible, business oriented, dignified, original and dashing person. However your income would not be bad, and you would also make some major investments. New construction, renovation and socializing will be major highlight this year. Overseas trip also seems likely for some. Health however will be a matter of concern. Some thumping news can be expected from your children towards the last quarter of the year.. The months of March, July, September and November will be highly result oriented.

Dec 24:

Ruled by number 6 and the planet Venus. You have a pleasant personality, sharp memory and you are very fond of worldly pleasures. This year you would make new contacts, which would help you in your line of work. Your beloved though possessive at time would be helpful and supportive. Minor health ailments such as backache, stiff neck or body pains will pose frequent problems. You would also receive unexpected advancements in your career. You would do extremely well socially if you travel and get involved in clubs and other social events. Your income would be much better than the past few years. The month of January, May, September and December will bring in the desired

Dec 25:

Dominated by the number 7 and the planet Neptune, you are a highly creative, affectionate, trustworthy, original, energetic and emotional person. You never run away from difficult task. You would be able to accomplish many tasks that you earlier thought as impossible. Monetary benefits would accrue from new contacts. Minor domestic tensions and stress will bother you. Health needs extra care therefore be careful of what you consume. Pleasure trips or friendly get-togethers will be exciting and intellectually stimulating. Family members will be supportive and friends will be helpful. The months of January, July, October and December seem to bring desired results.

Dec 26:

Influenced by number 8 and the planet Saturn. You are ambitious, authoritative,

systematic, sober and simple person. You should not let anything interfere with your career objectives if you desire to achieve your goals. Elders and children in the family will demand lot of your attention. Doctors and lawyers can look forward to a remarkable year. New romance for those unattached, but your work is likely to suffer if you keep fantasizing about this special person. The months of February, May, July and September will be significant.

Dec 27:

Ruled by number 9 and the planet Mars. You are active, energetic, trustworthy, systematic and quick in taking decisions. Financially a very favorable period starts this year, but you should avoid getting involved in conflict with loved ones. Children would be a source of immense happiness and win laurels in their fields. Pilgrimage or a distant journey will be high on your cards. You would make financial gains through sale of property, accrual of rent, dividends or interests. This is also a good time to invest in long-term investments and speculations. The months of March, July and December will be highly significant.

Dec 28:

Influenced by number 1 and the Sun, you are active, energetic, determined, responsible and original. You would do extremely well if you deal in real estate, but expect some opposition to arise from partners. Some exhilarating news from your children will bring happiness later in the year. New romance for some, so make the best of it. Meditation and Yoga should be practiced for spiritual as well as physical gains. The months of February, May, August and November will be highly eventful.

Dec 29:

Ruled by number 2 and the planet Moon, you are imaginative, warm-hearted, emotional, honest, simple and hard working person. This coming period is good for starting new ventures. Projects that have been slow till now would gain momentum. Disputes if any would get sorted out and bring a sense of relief to your mind. Your competitive nature would make you stay ahead of others and also make you popular amongst your peers. Friends will be helpful but demanding. Romantic encounters with colleagues might develop, though it would be very short lived. The months of February, May, September and November will prove to be significant.

Dec 30:

Governed by number 3 and the planet Jupiter, you are ambitious, enthusiastic, hard-working, warm and kindhearted person. This year you would have abundance of energy, which if properly used would bring you overwhelming results. A distant journey seems likely later in the year, most probably for attending some auspicious occasion. Friends and relatives will not be very helpful and should not be depended upon. Financially it seems to be a good period to invest in stocks and property, but all investments should be made for a long-term basis. The months of March, Dec, August and January will prove to be beneficial.

Dec 31:

Ruled by number 4 and the planet Uranus. You are generous, peace loving, dashing, systematic, disciplined, artistic character and introvert in nature. Business will flourish and financial gains will lift your confidence. Students will perform remarkably well in academics and sports. Those suffering from blood pressure and piles need to take extra care of their health. Legal matters that have been haunting your mind will settle to your satisfaction. Promotions and increments are likely for some. Romance however will not be pleasant as frequent arguments and disagreements will keep on bothering your mind. The months of March, August and December will be highly significant.


    Manisha Koushik has more than 12+ years of experience. She gives astrological advice related to career, health, finance, business, relationship and more. She is known to combine the principles of Vedic and Western astrology, Tarot, Numerology, Vastu and Fengshui. She has authored many books and is a popular face for astrology TV shows.
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