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‘All people living in India are Hindus because…’: Dattatreya Hosabale | Latest News India


Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh general secretary Dattatreya Hosabale on Wednesday said that there are some Hindus who must have eaten beef under compulsion but that does not mean they are not Hindus, and they can’t be shut out.

“All the people living in India are Hindus because their forefathers were Hindus. Their methods of worship may be different, but they all have the same DNA. One who considers himself a Hindu is a Hindu; even those are Hindus to whom we call Hindus”, he further added.

Hosabale was speaking on ‘Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow’ organised by the Ekatm Manavdarshan Anusandhan Evam Vikas Pratishthan at the Birla Auditorium in Jaipur, PTI reported.

He said that over 600 tribes in India used to differ from the religion following the provocation by the anti-Indian elements. Saint Golwalkar said that they are Hindus, and the doors are always open for them. We work on the philosophy of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”, and we cannot exclude even those who visited abroad and must have consumed beef under compulsion or for any other reason. They can return to their religion, ANI reported.

Hosable was explaining that RSS founder Dr Hedgewar did not get into differentiating people on religion and describing who is Hindu or not. He believed India is a Hindu nation because the people who built it were Hindus. Those who consider India as their fatherland and work land are Hindus.

He also explained that RSS works in the interest of the nation without any political inclination. The organisation is neither right wing nor left wing. It played a role in the establishment of democracy in the country and considers all religions and sects of India as one, the report added.

RSS general secretary also emphasised the fact that India can lead the world by becoming a ‘Vishwa Guru’ only with collective efforts of all.

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