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North India Cold Wave: North India unlikely to see cold waves in Feb says IMD | India News


NEW DELHI: Northwest India is unlikely to see any more unusually chilly days this winter, reports Amit Bhattacharya. India Meteorological Department’s monthly outlook for February says the region is expected to get mostly normal minimum temperatures while the maximums could be above normal in some parts.
IMD’s probabilistic map for February shows normal minimum temperatures in most par ts of northwest India, except for colder-than usual conditions in south Rajasthan, parts of Uttarakhand and Ladakh, and higher-than-normal night temperatures in many parts of Punjab andUP. Minimum temperatures could be appreciably higher than normal in many areas of the northeast, Bengal and the Konkan coast and some parts of Bihar, Jharkhand and south Gujarat, the outlook says.
“Maximum temperatures in northwest India are likely to be normal to above normal in February,” said IMD chief MrutyunjayMohapatra.

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